Who We Are
We are a small in-home breeder of Australian Labradoodles in Kentucky. We have a passion to stay true to the ROOTS of why the original Australian Labradoodle was bred. We aim to develop Australian Labradoodles that are calm, loving, trainable, healthy and allergy friendly. Therefore, all of the ALDs, selected to be in our breeding program, have amazing temperaments, tremendous confirmation and impeccable health.
At Doodle Roots, all of our breeding dogs are raised in our home and undergo extensive health testing and training. Accordingly, our dogs are well-loved, well-behaved, well-trained and live a rich, full life.
Not only do we value our dogs, but we value our Roots puppy families. Moreover, we understand that bringing home a new family member can sometimes be stressful. So, we do our best to make each family feel like a part of the journey. So when it is time to bring home your puppy they already feel like a family member. The journey doesn’t stop there, we value maintaining relationships with our families and providing support throughout the life of your dog. provide support to our families throughout the life of your dog.
Above all, we want both you and your puppy to have the best start possible and create many happy memories for years to come.

Hear From Our Families

“June did perfect last night. She slept in my neck. We’ve only had 1 accident in the house. The rest of the time she’s used the potty outside. “
– The Veach Family

“She’s SO smart though. She’s watching our other dog, Fitz, closely and learning the things he does quickly. It’s incredible to watch. We’re officially naming her Orly Rose. “Orly” means “my light” in Hebrew and seems fitting since she’s our little Hanukkah miracle. And “Rose” to pay homage to Hattie Mae and the litter name.”
– The Fiat/Melin Family

“She’s doing great! She slept okay in the crate with 2 snuggle puppies. Woke up every few hours but would fall back asleep when we laid next to her and played lullabies 🥲 She’s a rockstar at potty training though. She’s only had one accident and has been going potty immediately when we bring her outside “
– The Ragsdale/Matsen Family

– Henrikson Family

– Steele/Vanderhoof

– Leitgeb Family

– Riley Family

“He is doing wonderfully. Last night he slept the entire night in the crate (me next to him). I took him out in the middle of the night but he was sleeping the rest of the time. He’s doing extremely well with accidents.. only one so far.”
– Lucas Family

“I have to brag on you. I pretty much followed your schedule with Tucker yesterday once we got home. It worked like a charm. I put him in the crate at 9-9:30 Central time. At 2am he cried and I took him out to potty then straight back in his crate. He cried for maybe 10 mins then didn’t hear from him again until 6am. I love a schedule…as a new mom to my babies we ran a tight shift. So following the puppy schedule is right up our alley!!”
– The Aydt Family

– Probst Family

“We decided to name him Lincoln and he’s doing great!! We are all so in love with him. He slept through the night last night (probably because he had such a big day!) and didn’t wake us up to go potty!”
– The Suvanto Family

“He’s doing great! My in-laws were over today and we cut down and tree in the back yard so there were chainsaws going and a bunch of people and he just did amazing”
– Brian Moore

“She’s so good. You’ve done an amazing job with her. The first day she didn’t eat much but I think it’s to be expected and we’re still figuring out how she likes it. She’s doing great today, eating all of her breakfast and lunch. She sleeps great in her crate and goes to bed so easy. She takes naps in her bed and today I joined her on the couch.”
– Tracy & Selena Rudolph

“I LOVE to watch her run down the hall…ears laid back…and ZOOOOMMMM! She is SO fast! She has slept through the night since the second night she came to live with us. She sleeps in her crate in my bedroom and doesn’t make a peep all night. She is doing great with potty training. We use potty bells and she rings them often! We have accidents occasionally but EVERY time I take her out she goes.”
– Sharon & Jay Jackman

“He is great! Slept through the night. He’s also started to explore out of my sight. Loves to chase the leaves and jumps on them when they stop. So cute. He and Graham are slowly figuring out how to play.”
– Peter & Sharon Shaffer

“Scout has been eating good, sleeping well at night, and has only had 1 accident in the house. Scout has been amazing. I appreciate all the work that you did to prepare him to come to us because it has been such a smooth transition.”
– The Slusher Family

“Just wanted to give you an update! She is so great! She is such a great puppy! When she isn’t playing with the kids, she is usually snuggling with Maeve on her bed. Everyone loves her so much! She has been doing great with her crate training and her potty training as well!”
– Fuhrman Family

“You said it before I met him but you were so right that he has all the great traits – play, engagement with others, can keep himself content and rests – all within the appropriate setting. Such a good boy! “
– Emily Wick

” Hi!! Just wanted to share. This precious baby is growing up so fast!!! He’s so smart and listens so well. Such a cuddler which is amazing I love it. 😂 we have loved our time with him and can’t believe it’s already been a month! “
– Emily & John Merritt

“She is doing wonderful! She has brought us do much joy, laughs, tears 😭 but she has been a blessing”
– Donna & David Morrison

“She is perfect. She is only waking up once during the night. She feels at home. She knows where her food is and is eating the kibble along with the canned food mixed in.”
– Carol and Randy Chappell

“He has been a dream we have pottied, played, ate, and now snoozing. He even went in kennel on own but I didn’t shut the door. Love him so much so thankful we got Bodie!”
– Neyer Family

“Romeo is doing great! No accidents in the house or crate. He settles well at night and slept until 5 am today. He is just the sweetest and my daughter loves him”
– Stinson Family

“Splash is AMAZING. He is so good and sweet and doing really good. He loves water and we love him!”
– The Hines Family

“She is more than perfect! She spent the night sleeping in her crate and she didn’t cry during the night, woke up very early ready to go potty. Leah is a very sweet girl. I love her so much and thank you for so much for making it possible!”
– Maria and Johan

“He is learning so fast…He is sitting on prompt about 90% of the time. He has a couple of times used the bell at the door to go outside when he wants to go outside. He slept all night last night. I was the one who had to wake him up to take him out to pee & poop. He knows exactly which room his food and water is in and goes there looking for it. Today, he has not gone to the bathroom in the house at all! He has also had much more freedom today than he normally does… And he is killing it!”
– Natalie and David

“Millie is doing great! She’s finally starting to grasp the bell training. She’s sleeping through the night. Typically wants to get up at 5-6am to go out but she’s lets us know. She’s definitely gotten comfortable and adjusted to our home life! She’s fitting right in!”
– The Petry Family

“Harbor is growing so fast! Her hair is starting to get much lighter it’s almost white at the roots. We also let her stick her head out of the window in the car the other day and she loved it!
– Emma Steele & Tim Vanderhoof
Our Awards
We are proud to be recognized as a WALA Champion and All Star breeder as well as a member of Good Dog. Where education, health and betterments of our beloved breed is our top priority.